Can you do “this” in Jitsi?

It has been a while since I wrote here, but it is about high time to change that. I have recently decided to return to my writing habit. Let’s start the series by reviewing Jitsi, a service I used to use up until last year, in July, when I took a break from teaching online. […]

How do you mock time in tests?

This post is about some time I lost as soon as I landed on a project I haven’t touched before. Of a person whose not in the company anymore. Recipe for disaster, right? I made little changes and had to release the gem. But what do we do before releasing a gem? You’re right, we had to […]

My Linux cheatsheet

Since I am using Linux daily, basically, I was thinking it is time to shed some light on it. Here is a list of random pieces of information that started making sense after some reading and is what I ultimately call, my Linux cheatsheet 🙂 everything in Linux is a file or a stream of […]

What is the difference between put and patch?

Once you rake routes on a Rails project, you will get a list of all your routes. If you want to list the routes for one resource, then rake routes | grep resource_name will display just that. Example: bundle exec rake routes | grep notes will show: The question that arrises when you read this output is “why do […]

What is a block in Ruby?

Sounds like an easy to answer question, doesn’t it? In reality, you could start by opening a terminal and start explaining 🙂 In this post series, you will be reading: 1) what are blocks in Ruby 2) what is `yield` and how it works 3) what is `&block` # 1: what are blocks in Ruby? […]

The must-know git stash list

I’ve started getting some knowledge on this since it cannot be that there only two useful commands 🙂 When you want to switch branches and you want to save some changes, but not commit them just yet, stash is your friend. Once stashed, the changes can be reapplied at any time. These are the two “beauties” […]

To-check list after Ruby Day IT

Attending a conference always brings new ideas, new people and of course, new knowledge 🙂 Last one was in Florence, RubyDayIT, 25-26th November 2016. This is a list of resources I must and want to check closer: Hanami: a MVC framework (<cough>an alternative to Rails </cough>) which I have tried a couple of months ago […]